Hi, today i´m going to show you how to make my favorite recipe of iced coffee. i´m not much of a coffee lover, albeit i have to admit that i do love the flavor of this iced coffee though.
It's so easy and maybe you have all this things in your kitchen.
Things you´ll need:
4.Large glass.
5. Milk
6. Ice.
7.Brown suggar
8. Instant coffe.
9. Hot watter.
Steps to follow:
First you have to put the hot watter, instant coffe and the suggar in the bowl, and then mix it with the mixer for 1 minute on maximum speed.
It have to look like this
Now, you have to pour the milk and the ice in the glass, and then this coffe mixture.
That´s it, so refreshing and delicious drink.
Thank you for read, hope you try it.
By: Sareth Martínez Corredor.
It's so easy and maybe you have all this things in your kitchen.
Things you´ll need:
2. Mixer.
3. Small bowl.
4.Large glass.
5. Milk
6. Ice.
7.Brown suggar
8. Instant coffe.
9. Hot watter.
Steps to follow:
First you have to put the hot watter, instant coffe and the suggar in the bowl, and then mix it with the mixer for 1 minute on maximum speed.
It have to look like this
Now, you have to pour the milk and the ice in the glass, and then this coffe mixture.
That´s it, so refreshing and delicious drink.
Thank you for read, hope you try it.
By: Sareth Martínez Corredor.
I never was able to make your recipe but is delicious. Thanks